Please read through some of our most frequently asked questions! If you still need help, feel free to reach out via email at info@moonfiresaunahouse.com

When are you open?
At the moment, we do not have regular hours of operation. We are available for private group rentals at our private location. Check to see if we have any upcoming events or community sessions.
Where are you located?
We are located on a private residence about 15 minutes from downtown Bellingham. We will be based here until we find a more public base location to operate out of. If you have any leads on places, feel free to reach out. We are looking for a sweet little nook in a forest or retreat center/wedding venue to nest into. Access to running water & parking is a necessity.
Do you deliver & drop off the sauna?
Currently, we are operating at a grounded location with the ability to travel to a handful of select events/festivals/weddings per year. We require a three day minimum rental or hosted event. Contact moonfiresaunahouse@gmail.com if you're interested in coordinating something. Down the road, we may offer more mobile rentals so stay tuned.
Do I need to shower prior to entering the sauna?
We ask that you show up to your session clean, free of any oils, scented perfumes, lotions or creams. If you show up with oil, lotion or cream on, we ask that you take a cold shower with soap that's provided prior to the session.
How can I prepare for my sauna session?
​It's very important to drink plenty of water before, during and after your sauna session. According to a study done by Harvard Medical School, the average person loses about a pint of sweat during a short stint in the sauna. Avoid alcohol and medications that may impair sweating and produce overheating before and after your sauna.​We recommend drinking 32 ounces or 4 cups of water before and after a sauna session as well as drinking water throughout the session. Please come to your session clean, free of makeup, scented perfumes, oils, lotions & creams. Read and sign our waiver before entering the sauna. Please remove all metal jewelry before entering the sauna.
What should I bring to my session?
Bring two towels unless you'd like to rent some of ours. One towel is required to sit on in the sauna and one towel will be needed to dry off after rinsing or plunging before getting back into the bath house. Bring water, a bathing suit or something to sweat in and a clean change of clothes if you'd like. There is a cubby room to set down some of your belongings. For any community session or public offering, you are required to cover your lower goods. Private rentals are clothing optional.
Can I enter the sauna if I am on my period?
You can enter the sauna while you are on your period as long as it's contained and your bottom is covered. Do not enter the cold plunge wearing any kind of pad or period underwear. Additionally, you are encouraged to listen to & honor your body's limits while using the sauna during this time. It's important to stay extra hydrated.
How is the sauna cleaned? How frequently?
We clean the sauna after every group sweat using vinegar, water & a blend of essential oils.
Are there any restrictions with who should use the sauna?
You must be 18 years or older to enter any saunas operated by Moonfire Sauna House. We ask that you consult with your doctor or health care provider if you have any doubts about your safety using the sauna. If you are pregnant, have had a heart attack or stroke, if you are taking any medications, have cardiovascular conditions or problems, epilepsy, asthma or breathing conditions, high or low blood pressure, arterial disease or a joint or muscle injury, we advise you to consult with your doctor prior to entering the sauna. By entering the sauna, you are confirming that you, and everyone in your group, have considered this advice as well as what is detailed in our waiver.
How hot does the sauna get?
We heat the wood fired sauna anywhere from 150-200 degrees Fahrenheit.
Can water be added to the rocks?
Yes, water is welcome to be added to the rocks. Please check in with the other guests present prior to adding water.
How does the cold plunge work?
We converted an old wine barrel into a cold plunge. You are required to rinse off in the cold shower prior to getting into the cold plunge. Hop in, sit down, breathe & enjoy. Once you get out, you are required to dry off before re-entering the bath house.
Do you allow nudity in the sauna?
Since we are operating at a private residence, you are welcome to go into the sauna clothing optional if you have reserved the sauna for a private group. If you are attending a public event or community session, covering your lower bits will be required unless otherwise stated.
How many people can fit in the sauna?
The sauna can hold up to 8 people comfortably depending on the size of bodies and how comfortable people are sitting next to each other. We will not offer more than 8 seats at a time during a community session or event but if it is your own private group, you can have up to 10 people.
What is your refund/cancellation policy?
Each type of booking will have their own specific refund/cancellation policy laid out in the agreement before you send in payment. If you need to cancel or reschedule your booking, we kindly ask that you give us advanced notice so that we have time to fill your session slot.
What are the benefits of sauna & cold plunge?
There is a whole array of benefits to this practice that you can read about here.

1. Drink lots of water before, during & after your sauna session. We have water available on site.
2. Use a towel! You are required to sit on a towel in the sauna. You also must dry off after plunging or showering before re-entering the bath house. We have towels available for rent if needed!
3. No shoes inside the bath house.
4. Do not put anything in the wood stove. Someone on site will be present to tend to the fire.
5. No alcohol consumption in or during sauna sessions. This is detrimental to your health and is not welcome or advised at Moonfire Sauna House.
Thank you for honoring the container that Moonfire Sauna House creates.